In order to provide the highest level of service to our clients, we always provide a complimentary consult to determine which peel will best suit your specific needs.

VI Peel

The Vi Peel (Vitality Institute) is a gentle yet powerful medical-grade chemical peel for the treatment of acne, fine lines and wrinkles, age and sun spots, hyperpigmentation, melasma, rosacea, enlarged pores, oil balancing, and overall skin health.

The Vi Peel is safe and effective on all skin types and can be used on the face, neck chest, arms, back, and legs, and is the only peel safe for the under-eye and eyelid area. It is also painless and requires minimal downtime.  With the Vi Peel, the magic is in the formula. A blend of Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA), Tretinoic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Phenol, Vitamin C, and other minerals work together to safely remove the damaged layers of the skin, promote cellular turnover, lighten hyperpigmentation and Melasma, and refine the surface layer for a smoother, clearer, firmer skin that has a more youthful and radiant appearance.

Obagi Blue Radiance

Obagi Blue Peel Radiance is the answer for people who have no time for peeling. It’s quick, easy and amazing. As with most peels, it contains Salicylic Acid. It also has a blend of lactic and glycolic acids and it has extra calming agents like Willow Bark and Licorice Root, to help soothe your skin. Because of these additives this peel is ideal for people with sensitive skin.

The Blue Peel will improve your overall skin complexion, help hyperpigmentation, heal Photodamaged skin, and provide Superficial Exfoliation, with no downtime. After just one peel your skin will be brighter, tighter, and smoother.

Circadia MendeliClear Peel

The MandeliClear Peel  System was developed specifically for reducing pigmentation issues associated with darker skin types. The system can be classified as a modified Jessner, containing 7% lactic, 7% salicylic and 7% resorcinol, in an ethanol base with quillaja bark. It also contains 9% mandelic acid, which is often derived from almond and wild cherry sources. Mandel is German for almond. This peel is safe, gentle, and well tolerated by most skin types. This peel is ideal for patients with acne scars and inflamatory pigment issues.

Lactic Peel


Lactic acid peels have many benefits for the skin. They gently exfoliate the surface of the skin, while deep cleaning the pores. They stimulate natural collagen production and even out the skin tone. They can brighten and lighten the skin, and improve the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Lactic acid peels can help to improve acne and dry up oily skin.  A lactic acid peel will also remove toxins, and debris that are on the skin. They will help the skin to maintain the ideal PH level.

Enzyme Peel

Enzyme peels accelerate the process of skin cell replacement by accelerating the growth of newer, plumper cells and to rid the skin of the older, dead cells. They  loosen and remove dead skin cells, promote younger cells, diminish scars, age spots, fine lines and discoloration and can penetrate the skin to help cleanse pores and improve skin tone and texture. Enzyme peels are safe for all skin types as they don’t cause significant redness.

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